Monday, May 3, 2010

Ryan Trecartin

I was surprised to find out that he is not that old. I feel as if everyone we have been studying has been very old, or dead by now. Ryan was born in 1981. He has done many different projects from installations to sculptures.

I watched the video on his site called P.opular sky. It reminded me of Et when they have all the white tubing in the end of the movie and no one is allowed near him. I loved the part with the clouds in the background and the white boxes going over the screen and pieces of jewelery in the frame as well. There was so much going on but the blue sky made everything come together and look so pretty. Ryan uses so many video techniques. This entire video is very random and has people doing strange things the entire time. The people are talking in a slow voice and dragging out all of their words. The one girl in the car sounds like she is hammered. There is so much make up on anyone, i can not even tell how people really look.

There are many stereotypes in this video. They have a scene with a bunch of people with wigs on in the car with solo cups in their hands and they sound like they are bitching to one another about drama. Sounds like drunk college girls on the way to the bar. Another scene is with everyone with blond wigs on in a trailer and they are talking about going to a tanning salon.
This video also has so many types of people in it. This guy reminds me of the person on YouTube who does that video SHOES & also Muffins....he dresses up and has a wig on , just like this guy

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