Friday, May 7, 2010

Exit - College

Handing in my video art was the final task i needed to get done before i was officially done with my undergrad. I had trouble trying to come up with a topic because we were allowed to do anything. I enjoyed this project, but i wish i knew more with animation so i could of made a more interesting video. I LOVED doing my performance art piece. That was by far my favorite project this semester. I loved the way it felt to be up there in front of people and doing something so out on context. I kept laughing while i was out on Bayshore, that was the only problem that i kept running into. Other than that, it was a great experience. My least favorite project was the flip book because i could not fill up all the pages, and i am not that talented at drawing. I also enjoyed the grid art because there is a grid in so many things and it was interesting to see everyone's ideas.

I learned a lot from this class. My mother was an art major and i wonder if she has any idea about all the people out there that do performance art. I would have loved for her to sit in on a class, but she does not live in Florida. I also realized in this class that everything is art, and it is everywhere ( just put a frame around it). This class was very different than any other class i have ever taken. Each project we were pretty much allowed to do what ever we wanted. That gave me a little trouble because i like structure and i like to know what i need to do on a project in order to receive a good grade. I am glad i took this class and glad i had Santiago as a teacher, it was an experience that i will not forget.

GRADUATION on Saturday :-)

Video Art

Need to format my Video Art and will put it up here next week.....
I did a piece on models

Monday, May 3, 2010

Ryan Trecartin

I was surprised to find out that he is not that old. I feel as if everyone we have been studying has been very old, or dead by now. Ryan was born in 1981. He has done many different projects from installations to sculptures.

I watched the video on his site called P.opular sky. It reminded me of Et when they have all the white tubing in the end of the movie and no one is allowed near him. I loved the part with the clouds in the background and the white boxes going over the screen and pieces of jewelery in the frame as well. There was so much going on but the blue sky made everything come together and look so pretty. Ryan uses so many video techniques. This entire video is very random and has people doing strange things the entire time. The people are talking in a slow voice and dragging out all of their words. The one girl in the car sounds like she is hammered. There is so much make up on anyone, i can not even tell how people really look.

There are many stereotypes in this video. They have a scene with a bunch of people with wigs on in the car with solo cups in their hands and they sound like they are bitching to one another about drama. Sounds like drunk college girls on the way to the bar. Another scene is with everyone with blond wigs on in a trailer and they are talking about going to a tanning salon.
This video also has so many types of people in it. This guy reminds me of the person on YouTube who does that video SHOES & also Muffins....he dresses up and has a wig on , just like this guy

Pipilotti Rist

The first thing we were shown on Pipilotti was her video, Im not a girl that misses much. This video was very interesting. It was video art, and used many different techniques throughout the entire video. I think it was very interesting and the way her voice went faster and slower when the video was doing the same thing. This video kind of reminded me of the grudge, i think it was that movie. The movie had a freaky looking person close up to the screen and it kind of scared me. She kind of reminded me of that.

I went to her website, and right away
it reminded me of being a little kid. It is very colorful and has strange looking picture on it. Under project i found something very interesting, but i could not understnad what she was saying. She might have been speaking a different language, but i did not know what one. The entire page was white, with a hole in it where a person was on the other side. She looked like a witch and that she was trapped in a place that she did not want to be.

It kind of looks like she is stuck in hell and is trying to get out.
Most of her images on her web site, are distorted, they look like when the tv is full of static. i think it is cool that her images all have women in them, i bet she likes to use her self as her art. I think it is great when an artist can use themselves as the art and be the one who creates it. I think it shows that you are even more talented to use your self in your own work.

Be nice to me- One of her videos that i watched, was just of her face flattened to the camera. This was one of her performance pieces. She had make up on and was smearing it all over the camera and you would just watch her move her face back and forth from right to left.