Sunday, April 18, 2010

"Look but don't touch"

This post is in relation to the article by Claudia la Rocco, titles Some at MoMA show forget "look but don't touch"

When every i go to an art gallery, i know not to touch anything unless otherwise stated. When i went to the Tampa Museum of Art, they wanted to make sure that I did not have any writing utensils on me. I told them no, but i did. i was not going to do anything with them. The guards were watching us and i could feel their eyes on me.

In this article people get too close with the performer. If you are an art person, then you know the rules about not touching, this person might of done this just to get the reaction of the performer and the guards. Especially if the performance artist it naked, you should have enough common sense to not touch is just plain stupidity.

I honestly think the reason this person did this, is to see the reaction and to be able to say he did it. He now has a story that he can talk about. That he touched a naked mans ass, with out his consent, and it was at a museum. One thing i do not understand is that the man had a 30 yr membership with the museum. That got taken from him once he got thrown out. Maybe he had been a member for a long time, and was sick of the museum. Maybe he thought it was worth loosing his membership over.

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